10 Considerations for Pricing a Product or Service
When introducing a new product or service to the market a
key, and often critical, consideration is the price for this offering. I have
seen folks simply take the cost of production and use a percent mark up as a
pricing model. This is the simplest model and it provides a good example for
the need to consider other pricing model options.
Here are 10 things to consider before setting a price for
your product or service:
Mark up
Based on Cost Vs Retail. In the opening paragraph I gave the example of a
model being used that marked up a product by a percent over the cost. The cost
used here is generally direct cost or labor and materials. If someone wants a
30% of the asking price to be the mark up, then using 30% of cost won’t provide the
desired outcome. Simply put, it is the wrong math. If something costs $1 to
make and it is marked up by 30% for a selling price of $1.30 then the profit of
based on the asking price is 23.07%. To arrive at a 30% mark up based on the
selling price it is necessary to divide the cost by the complement of desired percent of the
selling price (this recognizes that the cost is 70% of the desired selling price). In this case $1
divided by the complement of the desired percentage of the selling price(100%-30%) or 70%. Thus $1/.7 =
$1.43. Here the mark up is $.43 and is equal to 30% of the selling price. I know
this seems simple but I can tell you that it is a common mistake that is made
by a lot of business pricing strategists.
It may not matter what you want to charge if your product has competition from
similar offerings in the market place with similar capabilities. The price
offered by the competition will have a significant influence on the price you
will be able to charge unless you can find a way to differentiate your company
or the product from the competition. Offering financing, volume pricing or
other supporting programs such as training or superior support services can
accomplish this. If differentiation is not an option then a review of the
manufacturing and marketing processes may allow a reduction in the cost structure
that, in turn, allows a greater profit per product sold even in a competitive
Options. One of the major drawbacks of focusing on the cost of producing a
product is the lack of focus on the alternatives that may be available to the
customer. This can work for or against a pricing strategist. For example, in
one company we developed a process for providing a service to deliver printed
circulars in the newspaper and through the mail for considerably less than
could be provided by any competitor offering the same service. One thought was
to price the service with a small markup above our direct costs. This would
certainly have drawn a lot of customers to our service but would have
overlooked the possibility of pricing just below the competition or possibly
above the competition and maximizing our profits. In the end we priced slightly
below the competition, maximized our profits and won the majority of the
customers in the market.
In every pricing situation the customers’ budget has to be a major
consideration. If, for example, the typical customer spends 2% of their budget
on products or services that you offer and your products requires most or all
of the 2% you will be forcing potential customers to evaluate the potential
expenditure very carefully. Many times to justify a large budget allocation
will require more marketing and support expenses on your part in order to clearly
demonstrate the value of your offering. The question here is whether this
approach will provide more profits or a larger market share (more profits) than
competing with a lower price.
In the early stages of a product life cycle the consumer may not be aware of
alternatives to your product or service and may allow the ability to charge a premium
price. As you know premium pricing and high profits will attract competition
and competitors will work hard to educate consumers on alternatives to your
offerings. To the extent you can hold on to the “knowledge differential”
through patents or other protections such as capital requirements, you will be
able to enjoy premium pricing. Be prepared to have a strategy when this
advantage is lost. Some companies will schedule new product launches at the
point where their patents expire.
Cost to
Produce. As mentioned earlier, a clear understanding of the costs involved
in producing and delivering your product or service plays an important role in
pricing. Understanding the costs well enough to find alternatives to production
or distribution costs can have a significant impact. Back in the days of phone
modems, transferring data resulted in huge long distance telephone bills which was a key cost component driving our pricing. One
option I found was to work with Western Union and use their satellites to
disseminate information around the country. This was done by using a local
phone connection to Western Union and a small monthly charge for the use of the
satellite. In another situation I found that I could use strategic allies in
other markets to rep my firm’s products and services thereby avoiding costs for
expanding to other markets. This reduction in cost allowed us to attract
customers that wouldn’t have been interested in the higher pricing that would
have been necessary with the higher cost structures.
Cost to
Market. Marketing costs can easily represent fifty percent of a product’s
cost. Finding the most efficient means to distribute and promote the product or
service can provide a real competitive advantage in pricing. Grass roots
marketing through local community groups have provided some firms a way of
introducing products to key individuals that become fans and product promoters.
for Operations. One of the drawbacks to pricing a product based on its
direct costs of labor and materials is the inability to properly consider the
cost of ongoing administrative, manufacturing and support operations. Here the
lack of understanding costs can result in charging a price for a product that
does not cover the associated increase in administrative costs, repair and
maintenance or capital expenditures. One solution is to include an overhead
cost factor into the direct cost calculations for each product.
Positioning. It is important to remember that the price can suggest value
to the consumer. Priced too low a product can be viewed as poor quality and of limited value. High pricing can support the image of a high quality product for
discerning customers if all of the other marketing components are aligned
An important consideration in pricing is the availability of the product or service
and the ability to find substitutes. If there are markets that do not have easy
access to products then a premium pricing strategy can be employed. Retailers
routinely have higher mark ups in rural areas where competition and product
variety is limited.
Product pricing can be critical to a product and ultimately
a company’s ability to survive and succeed. Approaching pricing as a minor
marketing tool can be dangerous. It is almost never a mistake to take the time to
consider all of the factors affecting a product’s pricing strategy.